The Hall of Fame number you chose was 00330033.
Congratulations! You have found an extremely cool number! It has a Universal Coolness Index of 99.37% 
- 00330033 contains 2 4-of-a-kinds. Only 0.0032% of 8-digit numbers have this combination.
- 00330033 contains 4 pairs together. Only 0.0073% of 8-digit numbers have this combination.
- 00330033 has 2 unique digits. In 0.011% of 8-digit numbers, there are 2 or fewer unique digits.
- All of the digits in 00330033 are multiples of 3. Only 0.070% of 8-digit numbers have this property.
- 00330033's digits sum to 12. In 0.13% of 8-digit numbers, the digits sum to at most 12.
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